Rule #7 of Stubbornly Young is to Learn New Things, and ideally, it would to be things that one WANTS to learn. Dancing, as was apparent in my post, “Dancing Stupidly,” isn’t at the top of my list – it’s more of a thing I’ll do when a) I need to prove bravery, b) for some reason I really want to make Cheryl happy, or c) to prepare for important events in my future where dancing is mandatory. Our eldest son is getting married in September so (c) it is!
As with anything new, it seems the best way for me to embark on the journey is to BUY something. In the past, it’s generally been new gear like a bike or snowshoes, and once an expensive foreign language learning package. I almost bought a guitar thinking it might motivate me to learn how to play it. In this case, a 3-pack of private 25 minute lessons which come with unlimited dance parties!
The handout I got from my new dance studio helps me to fully appreciate the benefits of learning to dance. And who knew I’d become a better speller! I may from time to time update you on my progress.